This curriculum guide, from the American Radio Relay League, is "a resource that will help you do what you do best...teach, and teach in a refreshing, captivating way that will bring your students into the world of...
Students can find the world of college physics difficult at times, and it's always good to have a wide range of instructional materials on hand in case they need them. The University of Tennessee's Physics Department has...
The numerical methods, formulation and parameterizations used in models of the circulation of the atmosphere and ocean will be described in detail. Widely used numerical methods will be the focus but we will also review...
The Authentic Assessment Toolbox is a how-to text on creating authentic tasks, rubrics and standards for measuring and improving student learning. For more than ten years Jon Mueller has taught a graduate course entitled...
This three credit course offered at Macomb Community College provides an introduction to hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs). Material covered includes alternative fuels, HEV batteries and accessories, HEV maintenance and...
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