This online multiple-choice quiz accompanies McGraw Hill's Microbiology (5th edition) textbook chapter covering Microorganism Interactions and Microbial Ecology. It is comprised of 32 questions for which the answers can...
This page from the Support Center for Microsystems Education covers an overview of Micropumps. Viewers will find both an Instructor and a Student Guide which contain information on micropumps, macropumps, the differences...
This course, presented by MIT and taught by Professor Denis Auroux, presents multivariable calculus. It is intended for use in a freshman calculus course. It includes material relating to vectors and matrices, partial...
This site from SERC's Starting Point features a field lab that can be used to introduce students to basic methods of GPS data collection, uploading the data to a computer, and making simple maps of their data using GIS...
This lab, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, students will "explore how energy exchanges lead to solid-state phase changes at the macroscale and explore the applications of this...
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