Created by Professor Bradley Kjell from the Computer Science Department at Central Connecticut State University, this introductory resource on Java programming contains 87 chapters, divided into 13 sections, on topics...
This fine course is offered as a welcome addition to MIT's OpenCourseWare initiative. The materials from this version of "Introduction to Electric Power Systems" are from the iteration taught by Professor James Kirtley...
Published by MIT and created by Professor Dmitry Panchenko for the Spring semester of 2005, this online course provides an introduction to probability and statistics for undergraduate students. The topics included are...
This site covers introductory material related to the analysis of small organic molecules by mass spectrometry, UV-visible, IR, and NMR spectroscopy. A concise explanation of each approach is presented with...
The material on this website may be used as supplemental materials for students taking an introductory astronomy course. There is information on topics such as stellar evolution, the planets, the milky way, and much...
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