This video, created by ATETV and presented by WGBH, takes a look at a Biomedical Technician program. This video shows just what students will need to learn, and how it will be applied to either their occupation after...
This video, from WGBH, takes a look at a high school student taking after school biotechnology courses at Middlesex Community College. This video explores microbiology programs, the skills students need to learn, and...
In this 2:34 video excerpt from Pathways to Technology, meet Suzanne Pooler, a biotechnology production support associate, whose work contributes to cancer treatment. As a production support associate, Suzanne supports...
In this 1:16 video excerpted from Pathways to Technology, you’ll learn about biotechnology: the science of using living organisms to create new products, from drugs to fuels. Genetic engineering is a booming field in...
In this 2:31 video excerpted from Pathways to Technology, you’ll learn about the role biotechnology plays in the fight against cancer. Roya Dirin is an upstream processing associate who works with cells, looking for...
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