This collection, created by John McClain of Cornell University, of macros for Microsoft Excel addresses numerous topics like decision trees, the Central Limit Theorem, queueing, critical path analysis, regression with...
The Aviation Digital Data Service (ADDS) makes available to the aviation community digital and graphical analyses, forecasts and observations of meteorological variables in the United States. Analyses, forecasts, and...
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) first created BASINS (Better Assessment Science Integrating Point and Nonpoint Sources) in 1996 as an aid to water resource planners concerned with water quality and watershed...
In recent years, it would seem that everyone is developing a website, including the former king of Cambodia, who even has a trenchant weblog where he responds to detractors and other such types. This helpful application...
A subsidiary of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the Building and Fire Research Laboratory (BFRL) Website contains stellar information for building engineers and fire researchers. Highlights...
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