The abacus has been around for several thousand years, and it is an efficient and interesting counting machine. The standard abacus can be used to perform addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication, along with...
The Abrams Planetarium, located at Michigan State University, has this homepage that describes various aspects of the outreach program created by the establishment. In addition, the page provides links to many other...
Academic Earth provides videos of lectures by top scholars in "Subjects" that range from Astronomy to Entrepreneurship to Religion, from "Universities" as celebrated as MIT, Berkeley, Harvard, and Stanford. Visitors...
A number of websites provide access to very fine educational resources designed to assist college students master their subjects of study. This site, created by Ken Foster at the Southwest Tennessee Community College,...
Like many great institutions in Philadelphia, the Academy of Natural Sciences has a long and storied history. The Academy was started in 1812, and in no time at all, the members of this institution were making...
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