This year marks the Latino STEM Alliance's (LSA) 10th anniversary. Over the past decade, LSA developed programming centered on their mission to help participants further"development of 21st century skills like...
In its mission to promote sustainable and environmentally friendly farm techniques, the Leopold Center sponsors a variety of research and educational projects related to marketing and food systems, ecology, and policy....
Live from CERN is a series of live and archived video broadcasts on topics in physics and related fields with supporting educational material. Broadcasts so far include content on antimatter, extraterrestrial life, and...
Home of the Clark Telescope, the Lowell Observatory's mission is to pursue the study of astronomy, especially the study of our solar system and its evolution, to conduct pure research in astronomical phenomena, and to...
This radio broadcast discusses the history of magnetism from the time of its discovery by an apocryphal Greek sheperd until the late 16th century and the work of William Gilbert. There is also discussion of who pioneered...
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