The International Ground Water Modeling Center -- part of the Colorado School of Mines -- is described as an internationally-oriented information, education and research center for ground-water modeling. It advises on...
The International Joint Commission was created by Canada and the United States "because they recognized that each country is affected by the other's actions in lake and river systems along the border. The two countries...
During the International Polar Year, which started in March 2007 and ran through March 2009, a team of thousands of scientists from 60 nations will be examining a wide range of physical, biological, and social research...
Promotes the development of Bayesian statistical theory and its application to problems in science, industry and government. News, history and minutes, archive of abstracts, information about the Reverend Thomas Bayes,...
The Society facilitates understanding between economists and ecologists and the integration of their thinking into a transdiscipline aimed at developing a sustainable world.
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