This capstone activity uses the results of the Home Energy Audit and the Home Energy Analysis activities to investigate how changes in lifestyle affect the amount of energy used in the home. Students will listen to a...
This archived webinar was presented by Geri Hertel. Geri will lead you through the step-by-step process of creating a Women in Technology class. She also includes a sample curriculum that you may use as a model for...
Interdisciplinary computer-based activities for differential equations: a database of computer activities illustrating both mathematical concepts and the application of these concepts in a wide variety of disciplines....
In September 2002, researchers from universities and technical companies from around the world met for a Workshop on Wireless Communications and Networking. The documents that can be downloaded from this Web page consist...
The UCLA Image Communications Laboratory focuses their research on the image coding and transmission of communications and archiving systems. While the emphasis is on applied research, they are also studying a number of...
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