You can use this calculator to create your own metaphor for geologic time. The history of the could be the the distance from your home to school - you can figure out where dinosaurs would be on the trip. Or the history...
This site contains various applets and animations of physical processes, demonstrating various ideas in waves, optics, mechanics, and thermodynamics. The site also contains information on the theory behind diffraction...
This course analyzes issues associated with the implementation of high-level programming languages. Topics covered include: fundamental concepts, functions, structures of compilers, basic program optimization techniques,...
This lesson is based on several interesting problems. Each problem has a somewhat unexpected answer; in fact, many people have a hard time accepting experimental results for these problems, as the results may seem...
Given a sample of N values of X randomly drawn from a normally distributed population, this program will calculate the .95 and .99 confidence intervals (CI) for the estimated mean of the population. Data entry is simple,...
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