This interactive presentation, created by James Bourassa and John Rosz for the Electromechanical Digital Library, discusses the calculation of horsepower, RPMs, and torque. Bourassa and Rosz begin by providing detailed...
This is the description and instructions for the Can You Beat Randomness? : The Lottery Game applet. It is a simulation of flipping coins. Students are asked to make conjectures about randomness and how certain...
This student interactive tutorial, by Michael Davidson of Florida State University, focuses on the factors influencing capacitance. An interactive applet allows visitors to select various combinations of dielectrics,...
With a mandate from the American Statistical Association, the Consortium for the Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics Education (CAUSE) has a simple, yet daunting, mission: "to support and advance undergraduate...
This website, created by Richard Lowry of Vassar College, illustrates the central limit theorem by allowing the user to increase the number of samples in increments of 100, 1,000, or 10,000. The sample size can be...
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