By Jeff Knisley of East Tennessee State University, this 2002 article outlines Knisley's own model of mathematical learning based on his own research and observation in hopes that it will be used "to guide the...
This case study aims to help students understand the transport of oxygen in the blood. The lesson uses the example of carbon monoxide poisoning to demonstrate the concept. This material would be appropriate for...
This web page, authored and curated by David P. Stern, provides instructions for building an electrophorus from common household items. This type of capacitor was invented by Volta and may have been used to amplify...
This reference provides instructions on how to write scientific reports. Topics include why we write reports, the basic format (introduction, methods and materials, results, and discussion, or 'IMRaD'), how to state a...
This page from the GeoTech Center provides a link to an introductory textbook on Geographic Information Systems, or GIS. The textbook is freely available online. The text covers a general introduction to GIS, vector...
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