This 15 page PowerPoint contains the presentation for the polymers module from Nano-Link. This lesson requires a background in eight grade science. Various details of polymers are discussed including molecular...
This module is the fourth in the Fire Ecology and Management Series. The module is designed for courses that support natural resource disciplines such as Forestry, Wildlife and Environmental Science. Although the module...
To determine genetic variation on salmon populations, students learn molecular techniques for DNA extraction, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and other protocols. Participating classes enter results in a web database...
This workshop from the 2006 PTEC Conference discusses the use of video and class observations for improving instruction. It presents the goals for classroom reform and outlines the Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol...
This PowerPoint presentation describes the terms and principles of quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) for environmental analysis. The presentation is easy to understand and QA explanations are concise.
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