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The Materials Science and Technology Teacher's Workshop (MAST) provides this activity to illustrate the principles of energy transfer. The demonstration uses a balance, matches, soda cans and a firecracker to show how...
Spectra is a website illustrating how astronomers use spectra to understand what stars are made of, their structures, and their evolution. The page begins with an introduction to the electromagnetic spectrum and then...
This AAPT/PTRA manual contains background references and activities to help teachers and students with the many concepts involved in understanding Energy. Sample student activities from the full print manual are...
This student activity is designed to explore the concept of work. Using inclined planes with different slopes, students are lead to discover the invariance of force times distance for objects starting at the same height....
This student activity is designed to help students understand the concept of power. The energy required to climb stairs, and the rate at which students can do this, illustrates this concept. The energy requirements for...
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