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This resource, part of the Spectroscopy Lab Suite, simulates optical transitions in gasses. Absorption spectra from gas emission tubes illuminated by a white light are shown, along with a tool for students to create...
This National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)) site contains atomic spectroscopic reference data. Information can be accessed through a variety of means, such as an interactive periodic table and dropdown...
This is a collection of online physics courses designed for elementary and middle school teachers. Current courses are on light, electricity and magnetism, temperature, heat, and energy, and force, motion, and energy....
Students perform a version of the 1800 experiment in which a form of radiation other than visible light was discovered by the famous astronomer Sir Frederick William Herschel.
From the website How Stuff Works, this is a collection of visuals on the manufacture, performance, and function of OLEDs, which are new high definition televisions using a technology called organic light-emitting diodes.
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