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This online encyclopedia explains the terms and principles of laser physics and technology. It also includes content from other topics such as general optics and optoelectronics, nonlinear optics, quantum optics, fiber...
This site from the Exploratorium provides an interesting activity for building a "two-way" mirror. Partners sit on opposite sides of the mirror and adjust the illumination until each gradually assumes aspects of the...
This site contains a set of optical illusions. These illusions are designed to show the user the biases and perception tricks their minds play on them while looking at different pictures. The different resources are...
This Exploratorium activity shows how small, fuzzy objects can disappear from view in the absence of eye movement. The site contains instructions for the activity, an explanation of the change in perception, and...
This webpage, from HyperPhysics at Georgia State University, contains an introduction to the Fresnel lens, a design that vastly reduces the amount of glass required for large lenses. The lens is described and diagrams...
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