This site from the Exploratorium provides an examination of Iceland's unusual volcanoes, with their unexpected magnetic fields. The site contains an introduction to the concept of drifting magnetic poles and presents an...
This real-life expedition involves science teachers participating in a summer cruise focusing on interdisciplinary research in the geology, biology, chemistry and physics of deep-sea volcanic processes. Access...
This video segment adapted from NOVA shows a dramatic landscape created by relatively recent rock-forming activity in the Grand Canyon. Volcanic eruptions only a million years ago created the canyon's youngest rocks. In...
This map shows Earth's tectonic features, volcanoes, earthquakes, and impact craters. Smaller inset maps are included to depict the North and South Poles. The back of the map provides additional information, highlighting...
Reaching out to a volcano can be a precarious enterprise. Reaching out to teach young people about volcanoes and related geological matters is less precarious, particularly after discovering this site. Created by staff...
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