This Quicktime animation shows an optional process for creating silicon epitaxial wafers. The animations shows a trichlorosilane gas being injected which creates a monocrystaline film atop the preexisting wafer. This is...
This lab, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, introduces students to "some of the challenges of making semiconductor chips and waveguides." These parts of electronic circuits will help...
This lab, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, introduces students to "some of the challenges of making semiconductor chips and waveguides." These parts of electronic circuits will help...
This website (originally created in Japanese and translated into English using translation software) by a Japanese systems engineer, Seiichi Inoue, provides an extensive overview of electronic circuit engineering. Topics...
Hosted by PBS, in collaboration with the American Institute of Physics and ScienCentral, Inc., this website serves as a companion to a PBS documentary on the history and science of transistors. The page is structured by...
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