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This activity is designed to familiarize students with seafood products that are being sold in their community and to have them investigate the conservation characteristics (stock status, harvest method, wild-caught or...
This website includes a unit from Smithsonian multidisciplinary ocean curriculum. Lesson plan focuses on foods, materials and medicines that comes form marine life, how these resources are harvested and processed and the...
Seafood is becoming popular again. Very popular, it would seem. But there are a number of potential problems with this development, one of them being the fact that a number of oceans and seas across the globe have been...
Sustainable fishing is on everyone's lips lately, but the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) has been committed to "the highest level of economic and social benefits that is compatible with sustainable use of...
Established in 1998, the Pfleger Institute of Environmental Research (PIER) is a non-profit organization "dedicated to education and research of the marine environment." From their headquarters in Oceanside, California,...
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