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The Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center (ATEEC) provides this presentation from P.K. Sen on the status of electricity market and pricing. Along with other relevant aspects of the topic, the material...
These pages, authored and curated by David P. Stern, describe a dynamo process that creates the magnetic fields of the Earth and the Sun. Flows of electrically conducting material through existing magnetic fields...
This presentation from the Advanced Technology Environmental and Energy Center (ATEEC) includes instructional materials related to small wind turbines as well as lab activities. The overall learning objective is for...
This site from the Exploratorium provides a simple demonstration of the interaction between a moving magnet and its induced electromagnetic field. As the magnet is dropped down a metallic tube, it induces eddy currents...
Download trial software for teaching electricity, trigonometry and electronics. Qualified teachers can request a free trial CD.
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