This page, created by Ino Dinov of the University of California, Berkeley, provides distribution calculators for the binomial, normal, Student's T, Chi-square, and Fisher's F distributions. Users set the parameters and...
This tutorial, created by Harvey Berman of Stat Trek, provides a basic introduction to many topics in statistics and probability. Topics include: sets and subsets, statistical experiments, counting, basic probability...
This tutorial, created by Thomas W. MacFarland of Nova Southeastern University, explains the theory and use of Student's t-test and demonstrates it with an example on final exam scores. Data sets are provided in both...
This tutorial, created by Thomas W. McFarland of Nova Southeastern University, explains the theory and use of Student's t-test for matched pairs and demonstrates it with an example on project quality. Data sets are...
The applet, created by Virginia Tech's Department of Statistics, allows you to see how the T distribution is related to the Standard Normal distribution by calculating probabilities. The T distribution is primarily used...
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