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(34 classifications) (73 resources)

Key Concept Classifications
Alkalinity (2)
Bathymetric profiles (5)
Carbon cycle (1)
Circulation (3)
Climate (13)
Coriolis force / effect (1)
Currents (12)
Density (1)
Downwelling (1)
Ecosystem dynamics (89)
Erosion (4)
Freshwater (1)
Geomagnetism (3)
Geophysical fluid mechanics (6)
Hurricanes and tropical storms (18)
Hydrological cycle (1)
Light (4)
Ocean basin (6)
Phytoplankton (13)
Plate tectonics (5)
Reefs (6)
Research cruises (2)
Salinity (7)
Satellite data collection (10)
Sea floor spreading (5)
Seawater (5)
Sediment (3)
Sediment coring (1)
Tectonic profiles (1)
Temperature (19)
Thermal properties (15)
Tides (8)
Upwelling (1)
Waves (12)



This resource describes a student survey on ocean literacy devised and conducted by a Professor of Oceanography at North Carolina State University. Topics include the definition of ocean literacy, seven essential...
MBARI offers summer professional development opportunities for teachers, graduate students and undergraduates. Participants gain experience with research and development projects in marine sciences, technology,...
The NASA Oceanography site contains information on missions, projects and partners; links to a remote sensing site with lesson plans, an El Nino primer site, and other educational resources of space missions; links to...
This is the homepage of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). This group conducts research and gathers data about the oceans, atmosphere, space, and sun, and applies this knowledge to science and...
Science teachers may be interested in this collection of classroom resources provided by the New England Aquarium in Boston. The main feature of this collection is the Aquarium's Blue Impact video series, which was...
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