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This NASA press release describes results from the Spitzer Space Telescope. The instrument detected a dip in the infrared light curve as a planet passes behind a star. This is the first direct detection of light from an...
This image gallery presented by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory contains a large number of radio astronomy images and photographs of radio observatories. Each image is accompanied by descriptive text. Links...
This software for Windows, from Project CLEA -- Contemporary Laboratory Experiences In Astronomy, presents students with a radio telescope. The default operating characteristics (beam width, receiver noise, steerability)...
This website provides the user with basic, and important, information about galaxies. it first introduces the Hubble Tuning Fork Diagram, by proposing the creation of a galaxy classification system. Then it explains the...
This website, containing information from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, provides projects and activities for advanced astronomy students. In this particular one, the user retraces Edwin Hubble's steps to discover that...
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