This site, created by Maria Andersen of Muskegon Community College, has a great deal of information for math instructors. Its purpose is to create and support the community of teachers by provide a space for them to...
An introduction to magnetic resonance imagining, which is based on the principles of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), a spectroscopic technique used by scientists to obtain microscopic chemical and physical information...
The Mathematical Association of America presents MathDL, an online collection providing a space for the MAA community to share research and learning materials. The site includes a math dictionary, recent news, MAA...
Located at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, The Office for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education is primarily interested in creating resources for educators working on these topics. First-time...
This website, by Tom Henderson of Glenbrook South High School, offers a lesson explaining statics and equilibrium. It is the third in a unit on Forces in Two Dimensions and the previous lessons can be found on the left...
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