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Lessons that include deriving formulas for volume by building rectangular prisms, identifying geometric solids by constructing cubes, tetrahedrons, and octahedrons, and identifying geometric patterns found in ceiling and...
Students design and organize personal space by completing necessary plans and elevations, perspective, and detail drawings of a given or proposed space while using imagination to tie it to career and life goals. Each...
A unit on architecture, divided into the tangible and intangible aspects of architecture: space, light, proportion, and the emotional impact that a building has upon a person; and geometry and other mathematical concepts...
A searchable catalogue of hundreds of special triangle points (centroid, incenter, Hofstadter points, Yff centers, Apollonius point, etc.), with a glossary, collinearities, graphics, and links to biographical sketches of...
Utilizing dynamic models to explain different aspects of geometry can be a powerful pedagogical tool. This is exactly what inspired Eduardo Veloso and Rita Bastos to write this classroom exercise for the Mathematical...
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