This archived webinar from Linda Kekelis and Jeri Countryman of Techbridge presented "practical strategies and resources that will help teachers, Girl Scout Leaders and after-school program providers to conduct...
This paper from Jing Feng, Ian Spence and Jay Pratt discusses gender differences in spatial cognition. The team "found that playing an action video game can virtually eliminate this gender difference in spatial attention...
The technology of MP3 audio and video files—the technology behind downloadable music and the new portable players—has made possible a new Internet medium, the podcast.
A podcast is in some ways comparable to a blog....
Mitochondria are often described as the powerhouses of cells, and this rather fascinating course offered at MIT looks into the role they play in human diseases. The materials here are from the Spring 2011 version of...
This is the website of the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST). This council was established to provide the President with advice from the private sector and the academic community on...
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