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(29 resources)
Through educational products and research, publications and outreach programs, the AHA seeks to promote understanding of hydrogen technology and to help create a market for pollution-free hydrogen energy. Though not...
The Biodiesel Association of Australia (BAA) "was founded in late 2000 to ensure that the biodiesel industry is established and flourishes in Australia." The BAA website contains basic, concise information about...
The Energy Facility Contractors Group (EFCG) is a volunteer organization composed of Department of Energy (DOE) contractors working together to improve the cost effectiveness of DOE operations by promoting, coordinating,...
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is the nation's primary laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development and their mission is focused on advancing the U.S. Department of...
St. Lawerence College of Ontario, Canada offers a two year program for students interested in becoming Energy Systems Engineering Technicians serving the alternative energy industry. The website offers a description of...
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