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(29 resources)
Created by Alan Heckert and James Filliben, this chapter of the National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) Engineering Statistics handbook presents information on the statistical modeling of an engineering...
In this video adapted from Pathways to Technology, learn about process technology and the career of a process technician, also known as a process operator. Process technology is what turns chemicals into products, from...
In this video adapted from Pathways to Technology, you’ll meet Tyrone Walker, who keeps the enormous machines at a Tupperware factory running 24/7/365. Tyrone is a process maintenance engineer. This means he inspects all...
Created by Alan Heckert and James Filliben, this chapter of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Engineering Statistics handbook describes how to do a production process characterization study. It...
This article gives an overview of the QRM strategy, which focuses on lead time reduction throughout the enterprise. The authors also explain why lean manufacturing strategies of flow, takt time and pull don't work well...
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