Teachers' Domain presents this video as part of a series on advanced technological education. The clip features a biomanufacturing supervisor for a medical device company. He discusses the biomanufacturing work...
Technologies developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory include: 1) use of nanoprobes based on plasmon-resonance (which is defined) to enhance surface Raman scattering and fluorescence; 2) an optical neurosensor based on...
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. This episode from ATETV focuses "on two schools where programs in environmental sciences and biomanufacturing are...
This site is an introductory lecture in outline form about chromatography. It appears directed toward biochemical separations. The coverage is broad but not deep. Discussions of counter-current separations, gel...
This website is primarily a guide to engineering for high school girls. It also includes sections for parents and advisers, engineers, and middle school girls. There are several sections to the site which demonstrate the...
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