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This site, created by Michelle Lacey of Yale University, gives an explanation, a definition and an example of linear regression. Topics include: least-squares, residuals, extrapolation, outliers, and influential...
This lesson, created by Amar Patel of the University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign, introduces simple linear regression with several Excel spreadsheet examples such as temperature versus cricket chirps, height versus...
This introductory course covers simple linear regression, multiple regression, and analysis of variance, as well as statistical model-building strategies. Regression diagnostics, analysis of complex data sets and...
This free statistical modeling software designed by Causasientia is to be used for the Macintosh. The software performs several operations and gives graphical output. Some of equations used as examples are: Kepler --...
This page, by Richard Lowry of Vassar College, will calculate the intercorrelations (r) for any number of variables (V1, V2, V3, etc.) and for any number of observations per variable. Visitors will also find a link to...
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