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(25 classifications) (27 resources)

Classifications (LC)
Addresses, essays, lectures (1)
Algebraic geometry (12)
Analytic geometry (33)
Convex geometry (13)
Descriptive geometry (2)
Differential geometry (2)
Discrete geometry (4)
Elementary geometry (79)
Foundations of geometry (2)
General works, treatises, and textbooks (1)
Geometry and trigonometry (combined) (3)
Higher geometrical drawing (Plane) (2)
History (6)
Hyperspace (1)
Infinitesimal geometry (7)
Modern geometry. Inversions (3)
Non-Euclidean geometry (1)
Periodicals, societies, congresses, serial publications (1)
Projective geometry (1)
Special aspects of the subject as a whole (4)
Special topics in plane geometry (15)
Special topics in solid geometry (1)
Special topics, A-Z (1)
Topology (15)
Trigonometry (38)



This geometry lesson from Illuminations presents the Triangle Classification problem. Students will attempt to classify the triangles formed in a plane when a randomly selected point is connected to the endpoints of a...
This math lesson from Illuminations uses Venn diagrams to illustrate direct, indirect and transitive reasoning. Students will learn the definitions of direct, indirect and transitive reasoning and give examples of each....
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