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Based at the University of Plymouth, the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching has developed many instructional materials designed to help both novice and experienced math teachers. This particular area of the...
The American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC) has compiled a collection of mathematics resources related to various subjects and disciplines. “Math Across the Community College Curriculum” is the...
Through the ages, various forms of visual expression have implicitly (and explicitly) drawn on a variety of mathematical principles. The people at the Center for Cultural Design at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute are...
The Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute (YNHTI) is an educational partnership between Yale University and the New Haven Public Schools designed to strengthen teaching and learning in local schools. Produced by teachers...
This set of videos, authored by Salman Khan of the Khan Academy, provides worked developmental math examples from the Monterey Institute. These start at a fairly basic level and would prepare a student for the set of...
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