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(6 classifications) (59 resources)

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Calculus of variations (2)
Differential calculus (15)
General works, treatises, and textbooks (6)
Integral calculus (22)
Special topics, A-Z (12)
Study and teaching. Research (45)



In the vast pantheon of websites dedicated to providing high-quality educational materials in the field of mathematics, interested parties have a wide range of sites that might be useful. Visitors will be delighted to...
Linked essay describing the history of Calculus from the Greeks through Newton and Leibniz, with 28 references (books/articles).
Created by Lang Moore and David Smith for the Connected Curriculum Project, this module enables the user to study the growth pattern of a given set of data and to derive and check a model formula for the observed growth...
Created by Dale Harak, Anita Salem and Paula Shorter for the Connected Curriculum Project, this is a learning modules focusing on the chemical technique of titration. This is used to determine the concentration of a...
Created by David Smith for the Connected Curriculum Project, the purpose of this module is to study data that may be modeled by a differential equation of the formdy/dt = k (y - b)-- in particular, to determine the...
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