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(6 classifications) (59 resources)

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Calculus of variations (2)
Differential calculus (15)
General works, treatises, and textbooks (6)
Integral calculus (22)
Special topics, A-Z (12)
Study and teaching. Research (45)



Created by Betty Mayfield and John Michel for the Connected Curriculum Project, the purpose of this module is to learn the basics of MATLAB 5 for use with the multivariable calculus modules. This is one within a much...
This two-volume modern textbook for introductory calculus-based college physics courses emphasizes qualitative as well as quantitative reasoning, and puts heavy emphasis on atomic-level description and analysis. Its...
This course, authored by Denis Auroux of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, covers vector and multi-variable calculus. It is the second semester in the freshman calculus sequence. Topics include vectors and matrices,...
This series of videos, created by Michael Hutching of the University of California, Berkeley, introduces parametric equations and polar coordinates. Vectors in 2- and 3-dimensional Euclidean spaces. Partial derivatives....
Created by Eddie Fuller, Lang Moore and David Smith for the Connected Curriculum Project, the purpose of this module is to investigate surfaces as functions of two parameters and to formulate a notion of area for...
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