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This course, presented by MIT and taught by Professor Gilbert Strang, provides undergraduate level algebra instruction. The materials cover matrix theory and linear algebra including systems of equations, vector spaces,...
This course provides an introduction to linear algebra. Topics include vector spaces, systems of linear equations, bases, linear independence, matrices, determinants, eigenvalues, inner products, quadratic forms and...
This course, presented by MIT and taught by professor Matthew Hancock, covers the partial differential equations of applied mathematics, including diffusion, Laplace/Poisson, and wave equations. Methods and tools for...
This lesson from Illuminations asks students to make and use slide rules to discover the properties of logarithms. The class will use rulers to add and subtract visually, which will add to the depth of their mathematical...
This unit from Illuminations includes activities that help students explore percent concentrations. Two lessons are included. "Mix It Up," which involves using two colors of beads to form two different percent mixes. The...
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