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(10 classifications) (7 resources)

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Biography (1)
Geographical divisions (General and zoological) (7)
History (3)
Ichnology. Trace fossils (4)
Micropaleontology (2)
Museums. Exhibitions (1)
Paleoecology (6)
Special topics, A-Z (7)
Stratigraphic divisions (General and zoological) (11)
Study and teaching (18)



This story from Discover Magazine follows the career of paleontologist Stephen Hasiotis, who specializes in terrestrial ichnology, as he searches for the tracks of ancient invertebrates, even where a fossil record is...
This collection is intended to provide scientific resources and information to help students explore paleontology and learn about research in the field of paleontology. It features a module that explores a variety of...
This description of the fossil record of bacteria focuses on one particular group of bacteria, the cyanobacteria or blue-green algae, which have left a fossil record that extends far back into the Precambrian. The oldest...
The Museum of Paleontology at the University of California Berkeley (reviewed in the June 16, 1995 Scout Report) has continued to build their impressive online resource network and now offers this site on paleontology of...
This resource presents information about the Eukaryota, which includes all animals, plants, fungi, and protists, as well as the vast majority of the organisms with which paleontologists work. Although they show...
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