"Science Snacks" is an online compendium of science tidbits that pique the interest and satisfy the gee-whiz appetite. Whether seeking to understand Afterimage or Whirling Watcher, users will be drawn in by these brief...
The Materials Science and Technology Teacher's Workshop (MAST) provides this lesson plan for students learning about polymers. The module will "explore the change in physical properties of a polymer as a result of...
Over 400 science projects, drafted by a professor of Science, are published on this educational Web site. Projects from various scientific fields include animals, atoms, ecology, meteorology, microorganisms, and more....
The Materials Science and Technology Teacher's Workshop (MAST) provides this demonstration on corrosion. The class will observe the corrosion of iron nails in a test tube over a period of several days.
The lesson...
Dr. Thomas Chasteen at Sam Houston State University created this compilation of sites and texts related to chemiluminescence, a process where "energy in the form of light is released from matter because of a chemical...
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