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(100 resources)
Elementary school science teachers may want to check out Inquiry in Action, a free resource provided by the American Chemical Society. Here, readers will find a collection of fully developed lesson plans on...
The American Chemistry Society (ACS) has pulled together some valuable resources for high school chemistry teachers, Classroom Teaching Resources to Education Standards to Professional Development. Educators will find...
At this site students are reminded that the study of atoms and their characteristics overlap several different sciences and that chemists, physicists, and astronomers all must understand the microscopic scale at which...
Bad Science is Pennsylvania State University Meteorology Professor Alistair Fraser's attempt to debunk the misconceptions of well-understood phenomena perpetuated by teachers and writers. Bad science does not cover...
The PhET project at the University of Colorado creates "fun, interactive, research-based simulations of physical phenomena." This particular one deals with Beer's Law. "The thicker the glass, the darker the brew, the...
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