This website from the University of Washington Department of Astronomy provides introductory astronomy activities on topics such as: fundamentals of astronomy, observing the sky, the sun, stars, stellar evolution, the...
This National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) website provides information about the group of short-period comets in the Kuiper Belt. The article compares the sizes and composition of these objects to Earth...
This website from the Australian Telescope Outreach and Education group provides a thorough introduction to the life and death of stars. The website uses text, diagrams, and images to help explain how stars evolve....
This website, created by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, provides information about the Pluto-Kuiper Belt missions. The discoveries of Pluto and the Kuiper Belt, press releases pertaining to the New...
This National Aeronautics and Space Administration website explores flames in microgravity. It shows photos of flames in space. Also, it shows a related experiment in which spiral patterns are observed when a slowly...
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