(2 classifications)
(49 resources)
The ComPADRE Digital Library is a group of online free collections serving faculty, students and teachers in physics and astronomy. The collections are divided by audience (students, teachers, or faculty) and each...
NASA furnishes a fabulous cosmology tutorial about the big bang theory and the evolution of the universe. Visitors can discover the foundation of the big bang theory (general relativity, the Cosmological Principle), the...
Comets have fascinated humans for hundreds of years, and most recently with the idea of creating a "deep impact" upon a comet in order to study the interior composition and makeup of these bodies. With this scientific...
An overview of the Deep Impact Mission is provided on this two-page fact sheet. The science objectives, implementation and description of the spacecraft are discussed. The informational sheet is available for download in...
This site provides timely access to the results of space exploration. It uses new technology to provide fresh research results to wide audiences. The sites includes electronic books, many recent articles, videos, and...
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