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Title: National Simulation Resource PDF
Url: https://www.imagwiki.nibib.nih.gov/physiome
Publisher: University of Washington. Dept. of Bioengineering.
Description: Operated by the Department of Bioengineering at the University of Washington, "the National Simulation Resource Facility for Circulatory Transport and Exchange" investigates computational models in biology and medicine. The facility's Web site has detailed documents on the research and projects currently underway, but perhaps the most useful features for people in this field are the software packages available for download. Although they require a short registration, they are free for noncommercial uses. JSIM is likely the most popular title, which is used for simulation of mathematical models and data analysis. There are numerous other tools as well.
LC Classification: Science -- Natural history. Biology -- Biology (General) -- Methods of research. Technique
Science -- Natural history. Biology -- Biology (General) -- Methods of research. Technique -- Biological models
Science -- Natural history. Biology -- Biology (General) -- Special aspects of the subject as a whole
GEM Subject: Science
Science -- Biology
Science -- Biological and life sciences
Resource Type: Tool -- Software
Reference Material -- Bibliography
Instructional Material -- Demonstration
Format: Document -- PDF
Audience: Professional/Practitioner
Education Level: Vocational/Professional Development Education
Language: English
Access Rights: Free access
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Source: Scout Archives
Full Record Views: 7
Resource URL Clicks: 13
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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