Presented by the United States Geological Survey, this website contains general facts and information pertaining to ground water. The site addresses ground water's role within the water cycle itself, it also shows how...
This site from Venkatesh Merwade of Purdue university offers tutorials relating to GIS and water resources modeling. Topic areas covered are hydraulic and hydrologic modeling, GIS and hydrologic modeling and downloading...
The Groundwater Foundation's sources of ground water contamination page discusses common contaminates, how they get to ground water, sources of pollution along with cleanup and prevention practices. The site's focal...
This site is from the USGS. The natural processes of ground-water and surface-water interactions are completely evaluated and diagrammed for easy understanding that includes the interaction of ground water with lakes,...
This is a USGS Water Science for School's web page. A table shows the amounts of rain that some cities across the U.S. received last year. The website also explains what can happen to water once it hits the earth's...
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