(26 classifications)
(80 resources)
A joint US and France project, the TOPEX-Poseidon satellites continuously measure sea surface height. The oceans store and transport solar heat, helping to keep Earth's climate in balance. The overall shape of the...
This webite, sponsored by COSEE (Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence) and the Marine Advanced Technology Education (MATE) Center, can help in finding an ocean related career or job. Well-organized pages...
This site provides information on: ocean science career opportunities, the knowledge and skills required to enter these careers, where students can gain the necessary education, ocean science employers, and much more. It...
The Office of Naval Research website introduces oceanography, providing descriptions of marine science fields it encompasses: biology, chemistry, geology, physics, engineering, policy, fisheries, atmospheric science,...
This web page includes a high school level and higher description of plankton with pictures. The page is full of photographs, each with a descriptive caption. Topics discussed include how plankton are sampled, ecology,...
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