(26 classifications)
(80 resources)
NeMO studies the dynamic interactions between submarine volcanic activity and seafloor hotsprings at an observatory called Axial Seamount. The research activities at NeMO provide an extraordinary educational opportunity,...
NOAA News, the current awareness page of the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), offers timely articles and links to current news related to the ocean and atmosphere. Alternating feature stories...
This website provides access to over 160 lesson plans developed by scientists and educators during NOAA's 2001-2004 Ocean Explorer field seasons. Search by grade level, geographical region, subject, specific expedition,...
National Ocean Service (NOS) scientists collect, study, predict and disseminate information about tides and water levels. Tutorial introduces the causes and variations of tides and currents, their impacts on human...
Follow a deep sea mission to recover the top of a black smoker and learn about hydrothermal vent communities and the technology that lets us observe them. Site features background information on the vessels, the mission,...
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