(26 classifications)
(80 resources)
The comprehensive, illustrated earth science glossary is available to assist in the understanding of the MY NASA DATA microsets, lesson plans and computer tools. The earth science glossary was constructed to provide...
MY NASA DATA (Mentoring and inquirY using NASA Data) is an effort to develop microsets of Earth science data that are interesting and useful to the K-12 and citizen scientist communities. The datasets can be used with...
The Live Access Server (LAS) is a highly configurable Web server designed to provide flexible access to geo-referenced scientific data. The Live Access Server provides visualizations and subsettings of multi-dimensional...
MY NASA DATA (Mentoring and inquirY using NASA Data) is an effort to develop microsets of Earth science data that are interesting and useful to the K-12 and citizen scientist communities. The datasets can be used with...
The NASA Oceanography site contains information on missions, projects and partners; links to a remote sensing site with lesson plans, an El Nino primer site, and other educational resources of space missions; links to...
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