(26 classifications)
(80 resources)
Peer-reviewed activities for grades 6-12 as well as non-traditional educational venues are available via this website. Each activity has been correlated to National Science and Social Studies Educational Standards....
This National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration website provides bathymetry, topography and relief data; digital coastlines; an interactive coastline extractor; ocean mapping; the geomorphology and bathymetry of the...
MarineBio.org is an evolving online tribute to all ocean life, marine biology, and marine conservation. Find out about fascinating marine species, get involved in ocean conservation, explore dynamic research and daily...
Site designed for marine science teachers in the Mid-Atlantic region, including Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, Washington DC, and Delaware. Contains information on conferences, awards, and grants. Also features...
Part of MIT\'s innovative OpenCourseWare Project that provides materials from MIT classes to the public on the web, the site provides materials from a course that applies concepts of fluid dynamics to atmospheric and...
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