(5 classifications)
(100 resources)
This module provides information on conducting a multiple session classroom, laboratory, and field-based experience to determining the impact of non-point sources of pollution on watersheds. The module is comprised of...
This document provides instructors with a variety of field, laboratory and classroom activities that can be used to introduce students to the concept of ecosystem-based natural resource management. NCSR Special Topics II...
This module introduces the “town meeting” format as a new teaching method for evaluation of a complex environmental issue. The case study that is used to illustrate the method is the Klamath Basin, Oregon situation...
This 125-page report documents activities of the Center and focuses on new directions NCSR partners are taking in creating educational programs to meet the needs of the Twenty-first Century natural resource technology...
In this module students examine various images (available in print and on the web) and prepare a detailed analysis of land use changes in the Willamette Valley, Oregon. While the activity uses imagery that is specific...
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