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(101 resources)
From the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences comes Kids Environment, Kids Health "a resource for kids, parents, and teachers, to find fun and educational materials related to health, science, and the...
The Leopold Education Project (LEP) is a conservation and environmental education curriculum based on the classic writings of conservationist Aldo Leopold; includes a sample lesson and links to related resources.
This site provides examples of how politics intersect with attempts to reduce environmental impact on ecosystems. Research papers provided discuss the relationship between economic growth and the environment, especially...
This course, created by Kathleen Perillo and Bill Monroe of Clark College, combines environmental science and math in a project-based, group-oriented class. Interpretation and analysis of graphs and models are...
As part of NASA's Earth Observatory, visitors to the Escape from the Amazon Web site are invited to "Accompany NASA scientists as they explore our world and unravel the mysteries of climate and environmental change." The...
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