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Title: Martindale Calculators
Url: https://martindalecenter.com/calculators.html
Publisher: Martindale Calculators
Description: Martindale Calculators is a Web-based tool collection that contains over 19,000 online calculators created by over "3,450" very "creative" individuals, businesses and �tax supported entities world wide.� The collection is organized by the following topics: mathematics; statistics; science A-Z; chemistry; physics, astrophysics and astronomy; engineering A-Z; and electrical engineering, computer engineering, & computer science. Each section includes a wealth of websites to explore, all related to mathematical calculations, mostly course materials and articles. Another section lists online calculators relevant for various industries, such as aviation, cosmetics, insurance, and library science. The list is organized alphabetically and creatively stretches the meaning of �calculator� to include such things as name translators and databases on animal breeds.
LC Classification: Science -- Mathematics -- Elementary mathematics. Arithmetic -- Rapid calculators and short cuts
Science -- Mathematics -- Study and teaching. Research -- Special teaching methods and aids -- Other methods, A-Z -- Calculators
Social sciences -- Commerce -- Business -- Office equipment and supplies. Electronic office machines. Office furniture -- Other appliances -- Calculators
GEM Subject: Science
Mathematics -- Technology
Science -- Technology
Resource Type: Tool -- Code
Tool -- Software
Format: Document -- HTML
Audience: General Public
Language: English
Rights: Jim Martindale
Access Rights: Free access
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Source: Scout Archives
Full Record Views: 357
Resource URL Clicks: 116
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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