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Title: Artful Maths
Url: https://www.artfulmaths.com/
Creator: Grandi, Clarissa
Publisher: Artful Maths
Description: Math is everywhere, from architecture, to decor, to other art mediums. The emergence of STEAM principles (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) brought some attention to the relationship between math and more "traditionally" creative disciplines. Readers looking for inspiration to further explore this connection may enjoy Artful Maths. A project of Clarissa Grandi, a math educator and STEAM enthusiast, the blog and curriculum center supplies lesson plans (with handouts and presentations) and other valuable materials, freely available under a Creative Commons license. For example, the Resources page offers decor printouts and examples to brighten up math classrooms. On the Origami page, readers will find a gallery and guide to the paper folding art practice that incorporates geometric concepts. Of course, those outside of educational settings can still try out these fun and challenging art projects. Visitors will find even more ideas on the Blog, as well as the Puzzle Games page, which maintains a running list of "creative problem-solving" apps. Readers should note that some of these external apps are free, while others require a fee to download.
LC Classification: Fine arts -- Visual arts -- Special subjects of art -- Other special subjects (alphabetically) -- A - Industry -- Geometry
Science -- Mathematics -- Elementary mathematics. Arithmetic -- Study and teaching
GEM Subject: Mathematics
Key Concept: Mathematics
Resource Type: Collection
Instructional Material
Instructional Material -- Lesson/Lesson Plan
Format: Document -- HTML
Audience: Educator
Education Level: Middle School
Language: English
Access Rights: Free access
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Source Type: Internet Scout
Source: Scout Archives
Full Record Views: 25
Resource URL Clicks: 37
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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